Formulated Milk Powders

Dream Time – Sleep Assisting formula

Pack: 200g

Dream Time is a safe and effective way to a more refreshing night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep means a better day, whether it’s at work, school, playing sport or socialising with friends and family. A good night’s sleep means looking and feeling your best from the moment you wake up.

Sleep and relaxation are both fundamentally necessary for the body and mind to function at a minimum level for a period of time. Optimising this time allows the body to repair damaged cells, regenerate tissue, and assimilate vitamins and minerals taken up during the day.

关于恬梦宝  About Dream Time

dreamtime pack


Pack: 400g

Nutrimum is a specialised Pre-Natal dairy based beverage for expectant mothers who are either planning to become pregnant or are already pregnant. New mothers can be reassured that they are providing their growing baby all the essential nutrients they need. Good nutrition during your pregnancy is critical for developing healthy brains and bodies. It is also important that you take care of yourself during the pregnancy; Nutrimum maintains your energy allowing you to remain active. Just two cups of Nutrimum each day, supports a healthy diet during this exciting time!
